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Featured Venues

Cocktail and wine bar




Tap Room


Bar & Hotel


Country Pub


Gastro Pub


The smart way to order!

QTap shows you the nearest leisure venues near to your current location.

Order from the venue you are currently in or plan ahead and order from the venue you are heading to.

There are few things more satisfying than not having to queue or wait for a member of staff in a bustling bar to get your order in!

No Cash? No Problem!

Card payments are made via the app are handled over a secure connection. Integrations such as Apple Pay make placing orders more secure than using your physical card. Your order history is clearly visible and accessible at any time.



Venues Love QTap

It plays a key part of keeping a venue Covid secure, along with cutting down on card processing times and streamlining the journey for purchasing food and drink. Your order status is relayed to your phone at each stage of the preparation.

Reserve Your Favourite Tables

Make table reservations within 3 taps. No more waiting on hold to make a booking or have a system automatically choose a table for you.


With QTap you have the control, see what is available and choose exactly which table you would like to reserve.

Instantly Redeem Deposits

QTap supports #NOMORENOSHOWS policy due to the devastating impacts of no shows in hospitality. This means each booking will have a small deposit value attached to it in order to book the table.


But don't worry - that deposit is instantly credited to your QTap account to spend during your booking on food and drink.